Maniyattu, a small village of Kasargod district falling on the borders of Kannur and kasargod districts. This village has been a major hub for Drama enthusiasts since 2012 and it has been instrumental in organizing and orchestrating professional drama festival in Remembrance of the Maverick of Malayalam Theatre Late Sri. N.N. Pillai in its utmost splendor and gravity.
The 10 day festival stages 10 prominent plays which are produced that year across different parts of the state. The selected plays are performed in front of 2000 plus audience every day, who are true lover of the art whose eyes are glued to the stage from the beginning to the end of the play. What more could an artist ask for !!! The open forum discussions that follows after each play reflects the seriousness they take in this drama festival. The festival ends with award ceremony for the Best Play, Play wright, Actor, Actress etc.
This fiesta has been celebrated in the most flawless and structured manner which can undoubtedly be compared to the way in which even MNC's or established Organizations are executing their projects. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they are at par or even matches the skillset of many professional organizations. This should definitely be a case study for many organizations and associations.
It is a team of very clearly defined and elected groups which looks into each and every minute tasks assigned to them towards its precision and perfection for the ultimate success of the event. Mr. Balan who is the strong pillar of Chorus Arts Association deserves a great appreciation who has been there in the forefront in nurturing the Idea to its current success. But the true success is the unanimous participation of all the people irrespective of gender and age.
2018 has been a significant year for Maniyattu and Chorus Arts Association. Their strong desire of building a monument for the legend has become a reality on 17th November 2018. It is the first monument in the Playwrights name in the state. The monument, a two storyed building, will serve as a rehearsal camp for Professional and Amateur Drama troupes and also serves as a palliative care center for its people.
As the phrase goes "Seeing is believing" , you really have to see it, to understand the magnitude and gravity of effort that goes into making this event a success year after year. Maniyattu is also generating a generation of skilled youths who are adept in organizing and administration through this yearly exercise.
It is the only place in kerala were " Onam " is celebrated twice a year. One along with all the Malayalis and the Other "Onam" which only the Drama and Art Loving people of Maniyattu can be Proud of...
The 10 day festival stages 10 prominent plays which are produced that year across different parts of the state. The selected plays are performed in front of 2000 plus audience every day, who are true lover of the art whose eyes are glued to the stage from the beginning to the end of the play. What more could an artist ask for !!! The open forum discussions that follows after each play reflects the seriousness they take in this drama festival. The festival ends with award ceremony for the Best Play, Play wright, Actor, Actress etc.
This fiesta has been celebrated in the most flawless and structured manner which can undoubtedly be compared to the way in which even MNC's or established Organizations are executing their projects. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they are at par or even matches the skillset of many professional organizations. This should definitely be a case study for many organizations and associations.
It is a team of very clearly defined and elected groups which looks into each and every minute tasks assigned to them towards its precision and perfection for the ultimate success of the event. Mr. Balan who is the strong pillar of Chorus Arts Association deserves a great appreciation who has been there in the forefront in nurturing the Idea to its current success. But the true success is the unanimous participation of all the people irrespective of gender and age.
2018 has been a significant year for Maniyattu and Chorus Arts Association. Their strong desire of building a monument for the legend has become a reality on 17th November 2018. It is the first monument in the Playwrights name in the state. The monument, a two storyed building, will serve as a rehearsal camp for Professional and Amateur Drama troupes and also serves as a palliative care center for its people.
As the phrase goes "Seeing is believing" , you really have to see it, to understand the magnitude and gravity of effort that goes into making this event a success year after year. Maniyattu is also generating a generation of skilled youths who are adept in organizing and administration through this yearly exercise.
It is the only place in kerala were " Onam " is celebrated twice a year. One along with all the Malayalis and the Other "Onam" which only the Drama and Art Loving people of Maniyattu can be Proud of...
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